Customer Testimonials

Aaron McCary

My wife and I are building a tiny house, which means we needed custom cabinets to fit just the way we had planned and wanted. Cabinetfacers did a phenomenal job. Once you see the finished product and use them .... Read more

Rick Ruback

Lenny & Fernando did a great job refacing my Kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Please contact me if you have questions. Fernando works 7 days week till the job is complete. The photo is prior to the tile flooring .... Read more

Lana Carpenter

It’s been six years since I had my kitchen, guest bathroom, and laundry room transformed by Cabinetfacers and my cabinets, countertops and appliances are as beautiful as the day they were installed. I LOVE my .... Read more

Tony West

As an advanced DIYer, I originally planned to remodel our own kitchen. We ran into CabinetFacers at the State Fair of Texas and I could see the quality of the cabinets was beyond anything I could obtain from .... Read more

Danielle Flanigan

Small company that does incredible work. Pays attention to detail. The owner came in and made sure the job was done right. He pointed out areas that should be finished in a certain way that I did not know to .... Read more

Rose Pinto

LOVE my new kitchen!! Lenny and his team took good care of us! And Francisco and his wife really know their cabinets!! THANK YOU guys so much! definitely recommend! FAST, RELIABLE, GREAT PRICES!

David Mclaurin

Love these guys. The attention to detail Leonard has answers my question before I know to ask. The quality of workmanship is exactly the same whether is a big job or a small one. They got it all

Warren Fields

Very professional if they rated higher would give them 6 stars.